Simple Solutions for Common Vacation Disasters

Kathelys Pereira

Common Vacation Disasters

While the chances are that you booked your vacation with dreams of the perfect, relaxing getaway – there’s always a chance that your next trip won’t run quite as smoothly as you’d hoped. Even the most magical of journeys can be side-swept by common vacation disasters in a matter of moments, turning your wonderful adventure into an exploration of stress.

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The Frustrating Travel Mistakes You’re Still Making

Fabian Obrist

Frustrating Travel Mistakes

While it’s common to make a couple of mistakes when you’re exploring the world and travelling to places unknown, that doesn’t mean that you should be careless with your vacations, and your valuables. After all, it only takes a few frustrating travel mistakes to turn your experience upside down, transforming your long-awaited vacation into a disappointing waste of money.

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Stay Smart Abroad: Clever Travel Tips for Modern Explorers

Fabian Obrist

Stay Smart Abroad

If you think you know all of the clever travel tips and tricks you need to avoid an unexpected problem at the airport, or even your chosen destination – you might want to think again. Even the savviest of modern explorers can lose valuables and experience troubling scenarios simply because they didn’t think to plan far enough in advance, or accidentally made a bad call.

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The Secrets of Taking Great Vacation Photos

Kathelys Pereira

Great Vacation Photos

You’ve got your super-powered smartphone, equipped with fantastic forward-facing and traditional camera, and you’ve packed your universal travel adapter plug to ensure you can keep your tech charged during your vacation – now all that’s left is to figure out how you’re going to take some amazing snaps to share with your friends, family, and social media followers

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Tips to Help You Have More Fun on Vacation

Kathelys Pereira

Tips to Help You Have More Fun on Vacation

There are plenty of great ways that you can make sure you have more fun on vacation, without having to spend a huge amount of extra money. After all, the whole point of your vacation is to take a break from the boredom and chores of everyday life and experience something new. While having fun on vacation depends on your definition of “fun”, it’s easy to fall into a rut, or find yourself regretting the things you didn’t do during your trip. In this article, we’ve put together a few of the simplest ways to make sure that you get

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Unique Vacation Experiences: The Types of Travel Everyone Should Try Once

Alan Morrison

The Types of Travel Everyone Should Try Once

Everyone’s idea of travel perfection is different. For your best friend, the best vacation may be one spent surviving in the wilderness with nothing but a tent and a sleeping bag, whereas you might prefer to spend your days laying on the beach and soaking up the sun. There are many different types of travel to choose from, depending on whether you’re looking for relaxation, exhilaration, or inspiration, and the one you choose will be reliant on your specific preferences. However, just because you know you love those beach-bum vacations, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t search out a few unique vacation

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Where to Travel on Your Group Vacation

Fabian Obrist

Where to Travel on Your Group Vacation

If you’re planning an incredible trip with your friends before you all settle down and start worrying about family concerns like life insurance, buying a house, and paying for kids’ college funds, then you’re probably going to need some inspiration when it comes to deciding on where to travel. Group vacations with friends can be an incredible opportunity to form life-long bonds, discover more about yourself, and experience more of the world – as long as you know how to stay safe. Following, we’ll cover a few of our favorite locations for young jet-setters, perfect for helping you figure out

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The Best Places to Visit Before You’re Thirty

Alan Morrison

Best Places to Visit

Finding new opportunities to travel when you’re young can be a great way to shape your understanding of the world, and yourself. When you travel with fresh, young eyes, you’re still learning who you are and what you believe in, which means that you’re still open-minded enough to have some truly life-altering experiences, before it’s time to make some serious decisions about your future. So long as you have the cash, and the money belt to keep your valuables safe, exploring some of the following destinations could be an incredible way to feed your soul and experience more from your

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Stay Safe Abroad: The Ultimate Safe Travel Tips for 2016

Alan Morrison

Safe Travel Tips for 2016

If you’ve always loved the jet-setter lifestyle, or you’ve been waiting with bated breath for your first opportunity to journey to a foreign country for a new adventure, it’s important to remember that there are a few threats lurking amongst the fun. After all, it can be difficult to stay safe abroad when you find yourself in unfamiliar circumstances, dealing with a situation that you weren’t prepared to face. Importantly, despite the chaos that has been plaguing the vacation market this year, with locations across North Arica and Europe being deemed as “high risk”, by official bodies, it’s worth remembering…

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How to Relax On Your Next Flight

Kathelys Pereira

How to Relax On Your Next Flight

For some people, the threat of theft and foreign scams aren’t the only thing that’s worth worrying about when planning a vacation. While you can use a money neck wallet to combat your financial worries, concerns about flying are a little more complicated. Research has shown that the repetitive nature of the news, constantly showing disasters and leaving out all of the journeys that go without a hitch, has amplified garden-variety anxiety for passengers with a fear of taking to the skies. In fact, today, many people have a skewed impression of the danger that they actually face when they

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