4 Great Tips for Travelling on Spring Break

Alan Morrison

Travelling on Spring Break

When it comes to living student life to the max – everyone does Spring Break differently. Some people consider their term break to be the perfect opportunity to relax in the sun, whereas others want to spend an entire week drinking around bikini-clad girls. Either way, this 2,000-year-old tradition comes with its own unique range of concerns to think about.

After all, there’s more to having an awesome time during your Spring vacation than finding a place to store your travel security belt while you’re on the beach. Following, we’ll cover just a few of the best tips for travelling on spring break – so you can focus on enjoying your youth – and leaving your cares behind.

1.    Book Early

Though it can be fun to live life unplanned – one of the best tips for travelling on spring break involves being prepared. If you want a great experience, then you need to be willing to book early. This rule applies to every aspect of your trip. If you’re heading to a popular destination, then you should know that the area is going to be crowded, and you’re going to struggle to find a hotel if you wait until last minute. The same applies for sports and activities too – if there’s something specific you want to do during your break, book early – because spots will fill up much faster than you think.

2.    Do Your Research

Certain hotels and cities are going to be jam-packed with college students during the Spring Break, so make sure that you choose your destination, and where you’re going to stay wisely, based on what you want to do with your time away from school. For instance, hard-core spring breakers are more likely to head down to Miami Beach. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a more relaxed and low-key trip, then you could benefit from looking into Santibel Island. If you’re looking for peace and quiet, it may also be important to stay away from beachfront hotels.

3.    Take Safety Precautions

As fun as Spring Break can be, it’s important to remember that countless horror stories make the media headlines every year. It’s crucial to stay safe with things like your travel security belt – particularly in destinations with higher rates of crime. Follow your basic safety measures by keeping valuables at home, and make sure you avoid wearing any flashy clothing or jewelry. You should also ensure that a member of your family or friend has a copy of your itinerary – as this can go a long way in making sure you don’t run into trouble.

4.    Be Careful with the Alcohol

Finally, when it comes to tips for travelling on spring break – it’s important to remember the issue of alcohol. While there’s nothing wrong with indulging in a little booze when you’re on vacation – and drinking on vacation is expected – be careful. It’s important to be cautious about how much, and where you drink, as the last thing you want to do is fall asleep in front of the pool and wake up with a serious burn. Also, be careful about drinking in hot tubs, as these environments can heighten the impact of alcohol.

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